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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

HomeGet Involved - Volunteer


Engaging actively with the League of Women Voters is the most effective way to harness the full potential of your membership. Dive into our efforts to make democracy work by bringing your curiosity, expertise, and passion to a myriad of roles aimed at empowering voters and defending democracy.  Your involvement is pivotal—not only does it empower individuals, but it also strengthens the very fabric of our democracy.

Every contribution you make enriches our collective endeavor to foster a well-informed and engaged electorate dedicated to preserving the ideals of participation and civic responsibility. The League thrives on the commitment, skills, and resources generously provided by members like you, who are the backbone of our mission to advocate for informed and active participation in government. Join us in this vital work—your efforts make a significant difference.


The LWV of Arizona needs Advocacy champions. Put your talent and passion to work by participating in a broad range of advocacy activities. You choose your level of commitment.  Every action matters and your involvement makes us powerful and effective. 

Use our one-stop signup to participate in the opportunities listed below  

Read The LWV Arizona Advocacy And Action Newsletters

Learn About Future Events, Present Opportunities, And Past Achievements. 

RTS (Request To Speak)

RTS is the Arizona Legislative portal for the public to comment on pending legislation being heard in committees. Request to Speak  (RTS)  is an online real-time system that allows the public to register opinions on bills being heard in committee. You can: 

  • Indicate whether you are “for” or “against” the bill

  • Write a brief comment explaining your position

  • Register your willingness to speak (testify) during the committee hearing

You can only use RTS when a bill is being heard in committee and for a few days before the committee hearing. The legislative session starts the second Monday in January and lasts at least 100 days.  We encourage you to use this powerful tool to make your voice heard at the legislature. 

If you do not have an RTS account, please complete this form, and a league volunteer will register your account at the Capitol.  We will create your account with a generic password. Once you receive an email from us that your account has been set up, we advise that you change your password immediately.  Please note that you cannot register online for RTS. 

Join An Issue Team

LWVAZ forms issue teams guided by the advocacy priorities established by the LWVUS board. Members of these teams monitor, research, and analyze state legislation, supporting further advocacy efforts at the state level. Their diligent work empowers the League to enhance its advocacy, lobbying capabilities, and voter education efforts.

Legislative Analysis Teams (LAT) are critical to the League’s advocacy efforts. While legal expertise is beneficial, it is your passion and concern for issues that truly drive our legislative lobbying. The Arizona legislature, elected for two-year terms, convenes annually from January through June. The LAT’s role is comprehensive: researching proposed legislation, determining the League’s stance, assisting in drafting testimonies for committee hearings, and preparing informational materials to enable members and supporters to effectively use the Request to Speak (RTS) system. Our active engagement begins in late December when legislative bills are introduced, providing us with the opportunity to influence decisions through well-informed, timely interventions. This phase is crucial for shaping policies and ensuring our voices are heard during committee considerations and floor votes.

 Issue teams include: 

Voter Rights/Election Security & Integrity

Criminal Justice Reform

Climate Change & Environment (includes Water issues)

National Popular Vote Compact

Women’s Rights & Equity

Gun Safety


Ranked Choice Voting


 Advocacy education

Join the dynamic team of League experts who deliver insightful presentations to educate the public on critical issues. Our topics range from voting rights and elections administration to women's rights, Arizona's water challenges, gun safety and prevention of gun violence, criminal justice reform, climate crisis.  We also delve into understanding ballot propositions and safeguarding both the vote and the voter. Your involvement will help illuminate these important subjects, fostering informed community discussions and promoting civic engagement.

Apply To Become A League Volunteer Lobbyist 

League volunteer lobbyists are authorized to testify on behalf of the League using testimony prepared from the legislative analysis of Advocacy Issue Teams. Each volunteer lobbyist receives comprehensive training, guidance, and mentoring after signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to represent the League. We are actively seeking additional lobbyists to enhance our presence at the Capitol.


Join The Vote411 Content Development Teams

Assist the League of Women Voters of Arizona and local leagues by preparing voter information for VOTE411, the nationally recognized digital voter guide. This involves crafting questions for candidates, detailing state and local races, and summarizing ballot measures. Your efforts will be crucial before and during each election cycle. Additionally, volunteer to reach out to candidates who have yet to complete their profiles or answer questions on VOTE411.

Debates And Forums 

Volunteer and train to be a Debate Moderator or Panelist with the League. The League of Women Voters has a longstanding tradition of educating voters through candidate debates, forums, and expert presentations on diverse issues. This crucial role involves facilitating discussions, ensuring fair play, and helping to present balanced views to the public.  

Organize with us:  Get involved with the League: Our members take on vital roles as organizers, moderators, and panelists for candidate debates. Sign up to learn debate moderation techniques or participate as a panelist posing questions to candidates. You can also help organize forums and town halls to discuss critical issues relevant to the League's positions. We especially encourage members who have a knack for event organization to join our state and local debate and forum teams. Keep an eye out for calls to action and recruitment messages through state and local communications.

Fighting mis and disinformation

The League of Women Voters of Arizona is dedicated to combating misinformation and disinformation through our engaging podcasts and social media content. As a trusted, nonpartisan source for election information, we strive to provide the public with accurate and credible facts. Join us in this crucial work by volunteering to develop podcast content, organize podcast sessions, script videos, and determine the timing and messaging of crucial information. Your involvement helps uphold the integrity of our democratic processes. To contribute, please email us at

Protecting the Vote

Volunteer as an Election Protection Monitor: Join the League of Women Voters of Arizona in partnership with the Election Protection Arizona coalition to champion voter rights and ensure a fair electoral process. Volunteers receive comprehensive training and engage in various roles, including monitoring polling locations and assisting in control centers on Election Day to address and resolve issues as they arise. Your participation is crucial in safeguarding the integrity of elections and educating voters about their rights.

Support League Litigation Efforts to Defend Voting Rights: Your vigilance is our strength! Keep an eye out for any irregularities or threats to voting rights and report them to us at As the community's watchdogs, your observations are invaluable, supporting our litigation efforts to protect and preserve the democratic process. Together, we can ensure that every vote is counted and every voice is heard.


The LWV of Arizona Public Policy Positions Committee is responsible for LWVAZ’s policy positions planning and procedures, develops knowledge of LWVUS positions and monitors changes, and is familiar with positions of other state Leagues. It provides guidance and support to advocacy activities; advises state studies and concurrences; maintains documentation for LWVAZ positions and provides updated content for the LWVAZ website; responds to questions about League positions; and provides training and education about policy positions, as needed.  

The League of Women Voters is committed to informed and active participation in government. This often involves conducting thorough studies on public policy issues to educate our members and formulate a strategic approach to influence outcomes effectively:

League of Women Voters AZ

1934 E. Camelback Rd.
Suite 120 #277
Phoenix, AZ 85016
